Prioritize cost-effective initiatives to reduce emissions, utilizing tools like the Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (MACC).
Promote electrification and reduce fossil fuel consumption in CPFL’s operations.
Implement an Energy Efficiency Program across all CPFL units, incorporating energy efficiency metrics into daily operations.
Strive for energy self-sufficiency by increasing reliance on renewable sources.
Protect and restore natural ecosystems, supporting CPFL's environmental targets.
Engage with customers and suppliers to reduce emissions throughout the value chain.
Principle 3: Engage and Partner for Carbon-Neutral Solutions
Define and promote CPFL’s goals related to Scope 3 emissions, ensuring alignment with global sustainability trends.
Establish partnerships aimed at decarbonizing the industrial and manufacturing sectors, collaborating with like-minded entities to achieve shared environmental goals.
Principle 4: Monitor, Evaluate, and Report on Climate Change Strategy
Establish and monitor metrics to track the performance of CPFL’s climate strategy, incorporating these into performance reviews.
Regularly report on the progress of climate initiatives to stakeholders.
Annually disclose CPFL’s greenhouse gas emissions inventory to maintain transparency and accountability.
Encourage the identification and dissemination of projects that contribute to CPFL’s net-zero emissions targets through internal programs and initiatives.
CPFL’s Carbon Neutral Governance:
To ensure the successful implementation of CPFL’s Carbon Neutral strategy, a Low Carbon Forum will be established. This forum, coordinated by the Executive Director of Sustainability, will involve key business units and maintain alignment between CPFL’s technical teams and leadership. The forum will convene regularly to validate action plans and monitor progress toward climate-related targets.
As part of CPFL’s governance framework, the outcomes of this forum will be periodically reported to the Sustainability Committee and the Board of Directors to ensure continued alignment with the company’s sustainability goals.
General Provisions:
This Policy will be reviewed periodically, at least once every three years, or as necessary to maintain its relevance and effectiveness in response to emerging trends and regulations.
This adaptation of the Climate Change Policy reflects CPFL's commitment to environmental stewardship, aligning with global efforts to mitigate climate change while maintaining operational integrity and competitiveness.
This policy is crafted specifically for CPFL, excluding any reference to subsidiaries or affiliated entities, and tailored to ensure that the company maintains its commitment to sustainability and climate responsibility.